Airtel had recently launched a new data plan with cost #200. I was extremely marveled when I discovered it was capped 20GB but airtel killed my joy when I discovered it only works on Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, And Operamini. yep, It works on Operamini, was surprised that it works on Operamini including the latest Version of Operamini. You can download with maximum speed and opens all websites.
Does it Work on 3G Network?
The answer is Yes. It works both on 2G and 3G Network. So you can download and stream online unlimited.
How To subscribe To Airtel 20gb For #200
First, recharge #200 into your Airtel Sim.
Dial *668# and then press "2" to buy the airtel 20gb plan
Now go to your Apn setting and configure it as shown below
APN settings
Name: Xclusivetek airtel
Apn type: default,supl
Proxy: Not set
Port: Not set
Username and password: internet
Save it and select as default
Next, you have to power it up with QueenCee or Psiphon Handler so you can use it to power all apps
Download latest version of QueenCee VPN
Download latest Version of Psiphon A+ Pro Handler Here or Psiphon 113 handler
Launch any of them and then configure it as shown below.
Tick Remove Port
Proxy Type: Real Host
Proxy server:
Real Proxy Type: HTTP
Real proxy port: 80 or 8080.
click save
Then after this, kindly go to OPTIONS
Choose UNITED STATE as your country region
After that, click on MORE OPTIONS and untick CONNECT THROUGH HTTP PROXY
Go back and start your QueenCee or Psiphon Handler
This Airtel data plan is valid for only 25 days,and it is very fast depending on your location
Quencee VPN and Psiphon Handler does the same work, you can use any of them for better results.
Enjoy while it lasts.
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